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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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행위제한 특성을 반영한 토지이용관리지수 도입방안

2017년 12월. 08권 3호(통권18호)


저자명 정연우, 이삼수


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 토지이용규제, 토지이용관리지수, 중첩지수, 규제지수, 행위제한
Land use Regulation, Land Use Management Index, Overlap Index, Regulatory Index,
Behavioral Control

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study developed the land use management index(LUMI) which reflects the behavioral control
characteristics of zoning system. This index was used to derive the overlap index and the regulatory
index of the case sites. The overlap index, which is expressed by a single numerical value for
each administrative district, is useful for comparing the designated area between local governments,
but it is limited to show the actual land use regulation situation. On the other hand, since the
regulatory index can express the spatial distribution of designated zones, it is useful to grasp the
intensity of regulation in space. The land use management index(LUMI) will be useful for identifying
the regulatory characteristics of region and deriving the zones that need to be managed based on
the characteristics. In addition, the land use management index(LUMI) of the target year can be
set and various management measures can be implemented to achieve this.

