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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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Relationship between street-connectivity and multi-family residential parcel values

2017년 08월. 08권 2호(통권17호)


저자명 안용진


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 Street-connectivity, Multi-family residential parcel, Land value, GIS method, Space syntax

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This research aims to examine the effects of urban environmental factors on land values,
comparing with two development projects (Bun-dang and Pyung-chon) in Korea. The primary
interest of this research is to assess the performance of urban design characteristic which emphasizes
the compact development and land use mix to improve residents’ accessibility to urban facilities.
The analysis is conducted by measuring the relationships between the values of multi-family
residential parcels and the access to transit and other uses (park, office, retail, and education uses)
as well as their comparative location in the city. The proximities to five uses and subway stations
are estimated using GIS program. Parcel level GIS data and land value data assessed in 1996
and 2003 are used to measure such relationship. The findings indicate that multi-family residential
parcel values are significantly correlated to the proximity to education and park uses. The
characteristics of street network are significantly related to the chronological change of multi-family
residential parcel values as well. The direction of the relationships, however, varies by the condition
of urban environmental factors.

