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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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서울시 사전협상제도의 문제점 인식과 개선방안

2016년 08월. 07권 2호(통권14호)


저자명 허승현, 박재홍


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 사전협상제도, 환경, 개발이익환수제도, 공공기여금

요약 (영)

요약 (영) It is acknowledged that the Pre-negotiation System of urban planning is a very effective
tool for estimating the development profit when the regulation of the lot such as zoning or
floor area ratio (FAR) is to be changed to the better condition. However, current researches
as to the Pre-negotiation System did not recognize the problems in spite of its strength.
Therefore, the purposes of this paper is to introduce the issues of the Pre-negotiation
System in Seoul as well as to suggest the alternatives to make the system more plausible.
From the empirical analysis based on the previous literature studies and public
documents associated with the Pre-negotiation System, it is found out that the present
public contribution rates of the three case studies in Seoul are much higher than the rates
of the public contribution guideline which are recommended in the System . Also, the
inconsistency of the process during the pre-negotiation resulted in delay of time and
unexpected social costs.
Finally, as a policy implication, the results of the study suggest that it is advisable to
apply additional FAR for the excess level above the guideline of public contribution as well
as to establish the role of the individual group within the System to settle down the main
issues of changing the current landuse regulation.

