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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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액티브시니어 주거선호 요인에 관한 탐색적 분석

2023년 12월. 14권 4호(통권38호)


저자명 민정원, 박태원


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


주제어 액티브시니어, 주거선호요인, 탐색적 요인분석
Active Senior, Housing Preference Factor, Exploratory Factor Analysis

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study examined the concept and lifestyle characteristics of the active senior class, which
is emerging in Korea, where the world's best super-aged society is under way, and then conducted
exploratory factor analysis based on the final 32 preliminary factors derived from the preliminary
survey. The first factor is 'eco-friendly and external space', and detailed components are abundant
landscaping and planting (0.750), health-friendly exercise facilities (0.714), and nature-friendly
external spaces (0.698). The second factor is 'medical facilities and functions', and detailed
components are elevator and escalator mobility (0.710), access to large and general hospitals (0.707),
and whether or not to secure a medical emergency response system (0.693). The third factor is
'lifestyle', and detailed components include the possibility of linking talent sharing and volunteer
activities (0.693), consideration of single-person households (0.691), and community activity facilities
(0.661). The fourth factor is 'operational management', and detailed components are various small and
medium-sized equilibrium (0.751), real estate sales and rental prices (0.646), and housing maintenance
convenience (0.623). Guest houses and social activity facilities for other visitors are not grouped
into multiple factors in terms of simplification of the composition of the factors, but they are
considered as additional detailed items to consider. A comprehensive analysis of the results of
exploratory factor analysis on active seniors is conducted, and active seniors currently have physical
health and relaxed economic power. As a result of factor analysis, the analysis results that the
first factor (eco-friendly and external space) prefers a residential environment rich in eco-friendly
ecological and leisure factors support this. In addition, although he is a healthy senior at present,
the preference for the second factor (medical facilities and barrier-free) is interpreted as a major
analysis result due to the uncertainty that his health can deteriorate at any time. The fourth factor
(maintenance) is an essential item related to economic burden capacity, and can be said to be
a detailed preference factor that explains the characteristics of active seniors as a rational economy.

