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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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서울시 준공업지역의 산업변화 분석연구 : 준공업지역내 ITA(industry target analysis)분석을 중심으로

2023년 12월. 14권 4호(통권38호)


저자명 권영필, 남진


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


주제어 준공업지역, 산업변화, 산업의 다양성, 산업생태계, 산업타겟분석
Quasi-industrial areas, Industrial change, Industry Diversity, industrial ecosystem, Industry target analysis

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study is to thoroughly analyze industrial structural changes in quasi-industrial areas and
identify their characteristics after the establishment of a comprehensive development plan for
quasi-industrial areas. Amid the continuously changing industrial structure of Seoul, understanding
the uniqueness and characteristics of industrial structural changes, in the quasi-industrial areas of
Seoul, are of great importance. ITA analysis has been used to investigate the changes in the industrial
structure of the quasi-industrial areas. Through ITA analysis, sectors of industry that are changing
in each spatial unit were thoroughly identified and their characteristics were analyzed to draw policy

