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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

한국도시부동산학회 홈페이지에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
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탄소중립도시 실현을 위한 민관협력형 그린인프라 운영사례 연구 : 서울로7017 중심으로

2023년 06월. 14권 2호(통권36호)


저자명 채진해


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2800-0161


주제어 기후변화, 탄소흡수, 녹색성장, 여가생활의 질, 지역사회혁신

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study examines the operation case of public-private cooperative greeninfrastructure to realize
a carbon-neutral city. The research site is Seoullo 7017, located in Seoul, South Korea, and the
research period is from May 2017 ~ May 2019. The research method was based on observational
surveys and literature research, and analyzed data were from the Seoul Information Communication
Plaza. There were three types of public-private cooperative greeninfrastructure operations: resourcecentered-
public&public cooperation, social problem solving-foundation cooperation, and technologybased
- enterprise cooperation. And there were four types of analysis frameworks: greenhouse gas
reduction, green growth, improvement of leisure quality of life, and community innovationAs a
result of the research, public-private cooperation for the realization of a carbon-neutral city had
common results in four aspects: greenhouse gas reduction, green growth, improvement of leisure
quality of life, and community innovation. However, the improvement of the quality of leisure
life and community innovation differed according to the type of public-private cooperation, which
showed that the participation of various public-private cooperation actors improved the quality of
life of various members of society and influenced innovation in local communities. Therefore, in
order to realize a carbon-neutral city and increase sustainability, a customized public-private cooperation
model is needed that considers its goals and targets is needed and it is necessary to discover various
contents for this.

