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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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서울형 주택 실거래 가격지수의 적합성 검증에 관한 연구 : 아파트 실거래 가격지수를 대상으로

2023년 03월. 14권 1호(통권35호)


저자명 박재라, 박현정, 류강민, 정종대


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2800-0161


주제어 서울형 주택 실거래 가격지수, 반복매매모형, 하위시장 매매지수, 아파트가격지수, 주택정책

요약 (영)

요약 (영) As an indicator of housing price trends, the housing price index should have both accuracy
and timeliness. This study aimed to validate the statistical reliability, stability of the Seoul actual
price index for apartments developed by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, and its conformity
on shortening of the publication time difference from 45 days to 15 to secure the timeliness of
the index. The result showed that Seoul actual price index for apartments by building ages and
housing areas have statistical reliability and stability throughout all detailed subtypes. Also, the
additional analysis on the change in the index after reflecting cancelled transactions showed that
there was insignificant difference between the original index and the index reflecting cancelled
transactions. Therefore, this study empirically proved that Seoul actual price index for apartments
can secure timeliness by collecting and analyzing data on the basis of date of registration without
any distortion of the housing market.

