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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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스마트기술을 활용한 도시재생사업 운영.관리 실태 분석

2022년 12월. 13권 4호(통권34호)


저자명 한연오, 윤병훈, 정연우, 이삼수


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2800-0161


주제어 4차산업혁명, 스마트기술, 통합플랫폼, 스마트시티형 도시재생사업, 생활밀착형 스마트기술 지원사업

요약 (영)

요약 (영) As the 4th industrial revolution technology leads changes in the social environment, smart city
is highlighted as an important issue in the city, and related policies have been focused on as a
growth engine for national innovation.‘Smart city-type urban regeneration project’ and ‘living-friendly
urban regeneration smart technology support project’ are being promoted as projects that utilize
smart technology to solve local problems in connection with existing urban regeneration projects.
However, various difficulties have arisen in the course of the project, and several issues regarding
sustainability have been raised after the completion of the project.Therefore, this study reviewed
the current status of related projects and conducted in-depth interviews with the project managers
in the target site on the aspects of operation, maintenance, and management.Through this, it was
suggested that ‘the establishment of a standardized integrated system system and the establishment
of a department in charge of related tasks’ is necessary.It is expected that the local environment
improvement project using smart technology will change into more diverse forms in the future,
and a structural system should be prepared to support it in response to specific business objectives.

