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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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도시쇠퇴 유형별 재난.재해 위험의 공간분포 패턴 분석 : 대구광역시와 서산시를 사례로

2022년 12월. 13권 4호(통권34호)


저자명 이재수, 신용현, 곽지원, 이창효


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2800-0161


주제어 재난?재해, 위험진단지수, 종합진단지수, 공간적 군집패턴

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study aims to compare the difference in the spatial pattern of the Risk Diagnosis Index(RDI)
and the Comprehensive Diagnosis Index(CDI) by type of urban decline. First, CDI decreases the
risk of disasters as it comes close to the urbanized area in all case areas. Various strategies are
needed to increase the reduction capacity, focusing on areas with a high risk of disasters. Second,
there is a difference in the spatial pattern of declined and non-declined areas in the city, and this
trend is different for the urban type. Seosan has relatively little influence in the reduction capacity
sector, while Daegu has a high influence in the reduction capacity sector, which affects the spatial
pattern of CDI. It implies CDI by urban size and regional attributes should be differentiated. Third,
both RDI and CDI tend to be spatially clustered. The spatial clustering pattern of disaster risk
in the declined areas is higher than that of other areas. Although the pattern of disaster risk is
high in declined areas, this varies depending on urban size and declined type.

