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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

한국도시부동산학회 홈페이지에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
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생애주기 단계별 가구의 주거이동 패턴과 특성 비교 연구 : 2001~2020년 서울대도시권 가구이동

2022년 12월. 13권 4호(통권34호)


저자명 박환수, 이재수


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2800-0161


주제어 생애주기, 주거이동, 가구이동, 서울대도시권

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study compares and analyzes changes of housing movement patterns by stage of life cycle
in the Seoul metropolitan region over the past 20 years. It also aims to understand the direction
and the amount of movement by life cycle stage from the perspective of housing consumer. In
addition, the reason for classifying residential mobility by stage of the life cycle is that the age
of the householder, marital status, the relationship between the householder and the household
member, and the age of the household member affected the change in residential mobility pattern.
And the reasons for residential mobility were also evident at each stage of the life cycle, which
is also related to changes in residential mobility patterns. From a macroscopic point of view,
residential mobility research is an important factor in household characteristics, and few studies
have been conducted by classifying the life cycle stage in detail other than the age of the head
of the household. In implementing housing policies, the government expects to understand and
utilize changes in residential mobility patterns at each stage of the life cycle through this study,
as well as specific life cycles such as unmarried young people, newlyweds, and single-person

