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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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STO를 활용한 고령자 소유 주택자산과 노인복지주택의 연계 방안 연구

2022년 09월. 13권 3호(통권33호)


저자명 김정운, 정락현, 변창흠


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2800-0161


주제어 자산담보 증권형토큰, 노인주거자산, 노인복지주택, 대체불가능한 토큰, 블록체인 기술

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study intends to propose a new model linking the asset securitization of housing owned
by the elderly and securing funds for the construction of welfare housing for the elderly by using
STO. This study proposes a five-relationship model consisting of five protocols, centered on the
STO trading platform. As a result of simulations for multi-family houses owned by the elderly,
the elderly who own a house can secure the occupancy fee and monthly payment of the elderly
welfare housing without debt, and the STO investor has a stable investment return regardless of
fluctuations in housing price.
The model using the STO can be expected to provide liquidity to the elderly who have a high
housing ownership rate and should burden high housing maintenance costs and to expand the supply
of welfare housing for the elderly. In order to revitalize STO, it is necessary to revise the Capital
Market Act to enable the issuance of STO, and to improve the guarantee system and system that
allows for sale of housing for the elderly.

