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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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공동주택 아파트 단지주변 생활기반시설이 도시디자인이미지, 주거만족 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향 연구

2022년 09월. 13권 3호(통권33호)


저자명 이호진, 이명훈


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2800-0161


주제어 공동주택, 아파트, 생활기반시설, 도시디자인이미지, 주거만족, 추천의도

요약 (영)

요약 (영) In this study, the effect of living infrastructure among urban design image, housing satisfaction,
and recommendation intention was studied. Multiple regression analysis was performed to verify
the causal relationship between variables, and as a result of analyzing demographic characteristics
that could affect the analysis, the following results were derived. Living infrastructure has a positive
effect on urban design image and housing satisfaction, urban design image and housing satisfaction
have a positive effect on recommendation intention, and living infrastructure has a positive effect
on recommendation intention. It was found that designed image and housing satisfaction play a
mediating role. The academic significance of this study is that it expanded the research area on
living infrastructure from a new perspective, and the practical significance of this study is that
among the main housing types of apartment houses, the living infrastructure around the apartment
complex is the consumer's urban design image, residential area. It is possible to improve the
apartment complex design in the future by confirming that satisfaction and recommendation
intentions influence each other's decision-making.

