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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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도시기본계획의 부문별 계획내 환경부문 연계 및 관리 체제에 관한 연구-2030 서울시 도시기본계획을 중심으로

2022년 03월. 13권 1호(통권31호)


저자명 우가영, 김수현, 최창규


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2800-0161


주제어 국토?도시계획, 환경계획, 도시?군기본계획수립지침, 2030서울도시기본계획, 국토-환경 연계성

요약 (국)

요약 (국) In 2018, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Environment enacted
the Land Environment Integrated Management Ordinance. The Integrated Land Environment Management
Guidelines focus on linking the Framework Act on the National Land and the Framework Act on
Environmental Policy at the national level. There is a limit in that local governments cannot present
a specific implementation plan for implementing this. It is necessary to examine the territorial-environmental
linkage in terms of planning at the regional level. The purpose of this study is to confirm the status
of environmental linkage between the national land plan and the environmental plan for Seoul. We
confirmed qualitatively how the land-environmental linkage plan was applied, focusing on the sectoral
plans of the ?National Land Planning and Utilization Act (hereinafter referred to as the National Land
Planning Act)? - Urban Basic Plan Guidelines - Urban Basic Plan. The contents of the urban master plan
are repeated and appear as a simple response plan. It is necessary to promote systematic linkage with
the environmental plan rather than a simple countermeasure for environmental conservation.

