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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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국토-환경 연동제에 따른 국토-도시-환경계획 관련 주요 법규조항 분석 및 고찰

2020년 12월. 11권 3호(통권27호)


저자명 김수현, 우가영, 최창규


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 국토-환경 연동제, 국토?도시계획, 환경계획, 국토관리, 법규분석

요약 (영)

요약 (영) The purpose of this research is, by analyzing major laws related to national territory and
environmental planning, to prepare grounds to develop policies that should be realized as the national
territory and environment linkage system has been established. Moreover, the importance of linkage
between land and environment has been increased because environment should be included in the
space planning process so that we actively deal with damage of environment. The land-environmental
interlink system presents directions for linkage under the highest laws of the National Territory
and Environmental Act. Nevertheless, in order for this concept to be practically applied to the
processes for planning and development, the linkage between the sub-laws of national territory
and environment should be included in the actual plans. Therefore, the purpose of this study is
to derive characteristics and limitations of the major laws related to national territory and
environment through respectively analyzing and identifying their detail provisions and spatial
hierarchical characteristics.

