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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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1?2인 소형가구의 주택선호요인 분석: 관악구를 중심으로

2019년 04월. 10권 1호(통권22호)


저자명 김성희, 김용진


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 소형가구, 주택선호요인, 계층화분석, 주택정책, 주택실수요
Small-sezed Household, Housing Preference Factor, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study analyzed how five households, including college students, first-year households,
newlyweds and elderly households, who are subject to happy housing, and single households, would
prefer small housing, among the public rental housing policies that are being implemented for
the supply of small housing, in the face of a continuous increase in the number of single-person
households. The study method of this study was applied with the AHP method, a multistate
decision-making method. Through the analysis of periodicals, academic journals and academic
papers already published, the selection factors for the study were set up as four factors in the
upper class and 16 factors in the lower class to conduct a survey on residents of Gwanak-gu who
prefer to live or reside in small houses. Preferred housing factors based on the characteristics of
the users of each life cycle presented as a result of the analysis of this study are expected to
contribute to the improvement of the quality of small houses in the future, along with the implications
of housing supply in the future.

