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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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국토-환경계획 연동을 위한 환경정보지도 작성 방안

2018년 12월. 09권 3호(통권21호)


저자명 윤형두, 신영규, 유명숙, 박상남, 노윤아


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 지표온도, 열섬, Landsat 8, 환경정보지도, 환경보전계획

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study is performed to establish a guideline for precise mapping spatial environmental
information focusing on climate category, for the purpose of application to environmental
conservation plans in cities(si) or counties(gun). This guideline suggested making land surface
temperature maps with satellite images(such as Landsat 8) by combining maximum temperature
of each pixel among images taken for last 3 years. Land surface temperature maps in Cheongju-si,
a pilot-test area, indicated the difference of temperature caused by land cover types. These maps
helped to identify the distribution of heat islands(industrial complexes, etc.) and they also could
contribute to establish plans for regulation of urban heat distribution.

