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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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쇠퇴 주거지 재생정책에 있어 참여 디자인을 통한 주체의 역할 및 협력구조 연구

2018년 12월. 09권 3호(통권21호)


저자명 이소애, 김정빈


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 사용자 참여, 참여 디자인, 주거지 재생, 주민 참여, 중간지원주체

요약 (영)

요약 (영) As residence revitalization projects with users' participation have been conducted diversely,
well-made cooperative structure and supportive roles of participants are required. This study
examines undeveloped residence revitalization policy of Rotterdam which applied participatory
design and specifically focuses on participants' roles and cooperation structure. The study would
draw strategic conclusions for appropriate cooperation and roles of participants in the process of
the project. As a result, user-oriented cooperative process through 'cooperative period' enabled
project's purpose kept sustainable by skillful users. Public and experts, who were considered to
be active roles in previous comprehensive development process, supported users with less influence
power, while users played a leading role as decision maker through out most of the process.

