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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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도시재생뉴딜사업에서의 민간투자자 투자의사결정 연구: 근린재생형 도시재생사업을 중심으로

2018년 04월. 09권 1호(통권19호)


저자명 곽원규, 최민섭


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 0293-4750


주제어 근린재생형 도시재생사업, 민간재원조달, 투자의사결정
Neighborhood Type, Urban Regeneration Project, Private financing, Investment Decision

요약 (영)

요약 (영) The following are the factors affecting investment decisions of private investors in the
neighborhood renewable urban renewal project related to the government 's urban renewal policy.
First, the head of local autonomous governments plays a key role in the policy process of local
autonomous entities, and its influence and authority are greatly increased. The results of the empirical
analysis show that the leadership of the local governments has the greatest influence on the
investment decisions of the private investors in the urban renewal business. Therefore, for the success
of the urban regeneration project, local governments should strengthen their ability to manage their
organizations, capture business opportunities, and deliver their vision to their employees. Second,
profitability affects the investment decisions of private investors in urban renewal projects. The
profitability of the real estate that investors perceive is more crucial to the investment decision
than the risk perception. Finally, it was confirmed that the accessibility, commercial area, natural
environment and residential convenience related to the property of the real estate do not affect
investment decisions of private investors. This can be attributed to the fact that many limitations
and problems in the process of improving accessibility, revitalizing commercial areas, improving
infrastructures, and improving the natural environment and residence comfortability in a declining
city can dilute the business feasibility.

