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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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국내 고령친화도시 체크리스트의 개발 및 적용: 서울특별시 동남권 4개 자치구를 대상으로

2018년 04월. 09권 1호(통권19호)


저자명 한상천, 나인수, 김환용


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 0293-4750


주제어 고령친화도시, 체크리스트, 물리적 환경
Age-Friendly City, Indicator, Physical Environments

요약 (영)

요약 (영) The purpose of this study is to develop and adjust the age-friendly city checklist which is
applicable to four boroughs in Seoul. The review indexes of the checklist were modified by the
eligibility of the age friendly city and the data availability for the four boroughs of the national
statistics. The final review indexes are 19 which are 7 indexes for external environment and
buildings, 6 for transportation and 6 for housing facilities. Seocho-gu and Songpa-gu were
predominant in 3 categories mostly but Gangdong-gu was superior to Gangnam-gu in pedestrian
sound signal and urban park spaces. Second, in the transportation aspects, most of Gangdong-gu
and Gangnam-gu are ranked high. However, Gangnam-gu was higher than the other three boroughs.
Third, in the housing categories, Gangdonggu, Gangnamgu and Seochogu are ranked high in 3
categories mostly, but Gangnamgu showed the lowest value in the home ownership proportion
item. The results of the study are expected to contribute to urban management data analysis to
prepare for various demands of the aging society in which the elderly population is continuously

