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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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Public Transportation a Supporting tool for Walkability

2017년 08월. 08권 2호(통권17호)


저자명 다니엘라, 이희정


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 교통환경, 대중교통, 보행 접근성

요약 (영)

요약 (영) Metropolitan cities around world are making efforts to secure competitiveness and decrease the
social cost of transportation. The constant increate of private cars has become the reason for not
only economical burden for the cities but also increase of pollution, health problems and
environmental issues. For this reason, most of the major cities of the world are trying to encouraged
a change by creating better transportation systems, with better facilities and policies that can help
improve the increasing issues. In the past the increase of car ownership caused the worst levels
of congestion inside the different cities and in their metropolitan areas. Road expansion become
the best solution to solve this problems nonetheless with time cities were no longer made for
people but for cars. Several cities in the world tried to look for new solutions to reduce congestion
and give the city back to its pedestrians. The Seoul Metropolitan Government took acton by
attempting to revive the public transportation that was in a deep crisis during the late 80’s by
regulating prices, creating new transfer stations, improving the service, creating time efficiency
creating exclusive bus lines, encourage quality control and organizing the routes and bus numbers
for users to become more attracted to the service. A set of policies were put in practice in 2004
in order to find solutions for the lost of bus riders, and economical and social crisis that the bus
industry of Seoul was suffering. This paper makes a review of all the key policies made by Seoul
that allowed the city to take the bus industry of the deep crisis and encourage the walkability
of the city.

