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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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노선상업지역을 포함한 아파트단지의 건물 배치와 밀도에 관한 연구

2016년 08월. 07권 2호(통권14호)


저자명 장재일


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 노선상업지역, 건물배치, 개발밀도, 정비구역, 아파트단지

요약 (영)

요약 (영) The purposes of this study were to examine the problems and suggest the solutions
about the situations when both street commercial areas and residential areas are
developed together as an Apartment complex. The study was focused on the 6
development plans of the renewals district that was proposed to the urban planning
committee of Daegu city. In particular, the building arrangement and development density
were examined. This case study found the following common factors: 1) the street
commercial areas and the residential areas is one development unit but it is divided as
different lots of land according to the usage of the land. 2) In the narrow land of the street
commercial areas, a residential complex is planned to be built with a high density. As a
result, the plate-type apartment buildings will be densely arranged along with the road in
the street commercial areas. When these development plans are realized, the problems
such as ugly road views, bad environments of residential areas, and the disputes among
the residence owners are expected to occur. Therefore, it is necessary to consider applying
the average function of floor area ratio(F.A.R) to the apartment complex where both
commercial and residential areas are mixed together.

