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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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역세권 공공기여부지 융복합적 활용 방안에 관한 연구

2016년 04월. 07권 1호(통권13호)


저자명 서재영, 한연오, 유민태, 박태원


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 역세권, 공공기여부지, 융복합, 광운대역

요약 (영)

요약 (영) The population concentration to the capital area along with the rapid economic
development since 1970s has caused rapid expansion of a city and urbanization problem
accordingly. Cities that sought quantitative growth according to the change of industrial
structure and a formation of a new city such as new city and new city town are in a
relatively poor condition. For this reason, social and economic revitalization together with
physical refurbishment such as infrastructure improvement to the deteriorated cities have
been carried out for the purpose of quality of life of the residents. Thus, this study selected
a specific target area and suggested an alternative for public benefit improvement and
economic activation growth power creation reflecting regional characteristics. The public
contribution site utilization plan in this study has the following expectation effects. Firstly, it
has a promotion effect of regional balanced urban development of Seoul City. Second, it
has an effect of creative fusion and integrated utilization of station area development with
the from-the-bottom-up plan. Third, it has a public benefit effect such as job creation for
youth and innovation of regional industry. Fourth, it has regional customized urban
regeneration effect according to the fusion and integrated use of station area.

