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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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계층분석기법을 활용한 도시정책 우선순위 선정에 관한 연구

2015년 10월. 06권 2호(통권12호)


저자명 김영호, 한연오, 박태원


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 도시정책, 중요도 및 우선순위, 요인분석, 계층분석기법

요약 (영)

요약 (영) In the past, the rapid urbanization in the economic growth led by the central government caused various
problems such as intensification of gap between cities and destruction of local community, and the paradigm
change related to the social & economic environment and urban policies since the 1980’s requires the change
in the urban policies of the past. Today, the urban policies cannot accommodate the opinions of various
classes, and cause conflict between related parties to be acting as the element for inhibiting the efficient urban
development. Therefore, in this study, Guri-si, which is a satellite city of Seoul and attempting change in
status by performing self-sufficient urban function, was judged to be the appropriate target area to derive the
effective urban policies gathering the opinions of various classes to conduct the study. Prior to the empirical
analysis process, various advanced studies were reviewed, and F·G·I was performed to the citizens to select
the preparative variables related to the urban policies. Also, the final variables were selected by gathering
opinions from experts on preparative variables, and factorial analysis was performed to derive the basic
hierarchy for the factor summary and hierarchical analysis technique. The subjects for hierarchical analysis
technique were divided into citizen, government official and expert group, and the importance and priority
on the urban policy factors of Guri-si were derived into opinion of each group and comprehensive results.
In the comprehensive analysis results of each group and overall group, the factor that was considered most
importantly was equally derived to be ‘living convenience’, and other evaluation items showed to have
difference per group according to the perspective of the relevant group.

