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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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대규모 도시개발사업 추진과정에서 나타나는 갈등 양상에 관한 연구

2015년 04월. 06권 1호(통권11호)


저자명 오종열


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 갈등, 도시개발사업, 용산구제업무지구

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study analyses main causes of the failure in urban development project in an aspect of urban development
policy and its system, focused on the litigation of Yongsan international district development project. Main
issues of law suits were as follows: procedural problems of Urban Development Act regarding hearing
current residents' opinions, complaints about the clause that allows eminent domain with only half of resident'
agreement, and controversy over the validity of using the date of compensation which is mentioned in Urban
Development Guideline. This study reviews the court's decision, and analyses the limitations of current urban
development ruling system. It suggests following measures. First, in order to apply Urban Development Act
to the projects located in developed sites, public hearing system from existing residents should be reinforced.
Second, it is necessary to modify minimum level of residents' agreement for eminent domain. Last, highly
sensitive issues related to the residents' compensation should be stated in Act not an ordinance or a guideline.

