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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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도시형 슬로시티 실현을 위한 계획지표 선정 연구

2015년 04월. 06권 1호(통권11호)


저자명 유민태, 박태원


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 슬로사타, 사례연구, 계획지표, 델파이조사

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study aims at deducing plan indicators that may apply to small towns and big cities by
utilizing the archetypal concept of a slow city. Therefore, in this study previous researches
on a slow city, case studies, and analysis through the Delphi method with experts are
conducted. In the first stage, the archetypal concept of a slow city is identified focusing
on previous studies and domestic and international case studies. In the second stage,
authentication assessment items for a slow city are analyzed to review the characteristics.
In the third stage, a method for applying to urban plans and district plans is sought through
the Delphi method with experts in urban planning, design, and construction. In the fourth
stage, the utilization on derived plan indicators is described. In conclusion, it is expected
that the findings of this study will be able to make a contribution to the improvement of
the quality of life of urban residents who are forced to pursue 'fast' culture for sustainable
economic development.

