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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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1. Coworking 공간 유형황에 따른 평면구성 비교분석

2015년 04월. 06권 1호(통권11호)


저자명 양재영, 고진수


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 Coworking, 평면구성, 업무공간

요약 (영)

요약 (영) Coworking space represents urban working space and a network focal point, which also has high potential
for future incorporation and expansion of various functions. Currently, coworking space is expanding,
domestically and abroad, in diverse forms, for which, the present study aimed to categorize this into a set
range and investigate the differences in spatial structure by each type. First, the present study investigated
the layouts of coworking spaces in Japan, that are diverse and in general use, for the purposes of stereotyping
them and analyzing the their differences. Types of space were categorized as incubating, coordinating,
and networking types, and it was determined that there were differences in the layout structure based on
operational objectives of each type. The point of discussion for the present study lies with the fact that, under
the hypothesis that urban coworking space projects will expand and differentiate by function in the future, the
present study verified that there are differences in spatial structure by type based on actual sharing of common
work space and network between users. The present study examined the characteristics of co-working as
urban space via analysis of sample case from Japan, the results of which can be used for comparative analysis
with domestic situation and as basic data for spatial planning.

