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주택가격 상승기의 주택투자 결정 요인: 일명 '갭투자'를 중심으로

2022년 06월. 13권 2호(통권32호)


저자명 이성원


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2800-0161


주제어 주택구입, 주택투자, 소비수요, 투자수요, 점유형태, 주택시장, 갭투자

요약 (영)

요약 (영) The aim of the study is to examine the determinants of housing gap speculation from 2017
to 2020. Housing price have steeply increased last 5 years in Korea. The median apartment sale
prices in the Seoul Metropolitan Areas (SMAs) increased by about 60.5% from about 370 million
won in 2017 to about 590 million won in 2021. Housing policy makers believe that young people
who cannot afford to buy a house with their own income and assets entered the housing market
through gap speculation, and thereby housing prices skyrocketed with increasing housing effective
demand. Therefore, various demand-side strategies have been applied to curb speculative demand.
Extensive financial borrowing restrictions and increase in tax, nevertheless, have not stopped the
rise in housing prices. This study focuses on what gap speculation is and what characteristics
gap speculators have. Theoretically, it can be conceptualized as buying a house on a cheonsei
contract ― a kind of rental agreement, but a unique Korean way to rent a house with only a
long-term and large deposit ― for the purpose of capital gains without a plan to live there. From
the empirical study, we can find several things as follows. Contrary to the stereotype about young
speculators, gap speculator tends to increase with age. They can be estimated as a group that
are low-income groups compared to renters or homeowners but increase savings by reducing current
consumption for future consumption. Their net assets are relatively high, but they reduce housing
costs by living in small, old, and poor places. It implies that actual gap speculators can be not
general speculators, but can be those who really need affordable places to live in someday.

