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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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도시재생과 도시정비 연계사업 모델 및 정책제안

2021년 08월. 12권 2호(통권29호)


저자명 김경훈, 박재훈, 이제선


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 도시재생사업, 도시정비사업, 생활SOC, 도시재생뉴딜

요약 (영)

요약 (영) As a result of the continuous growth since the 1960s, many cities of the Republic of Korea are suffering from deterioration of the buildings. On account of the issue, current government designated Urban Regeneration New Deal as a national policy and expected to solve various urban issues, but, even with the 10 trillion won-budgets every year, the ability of housing supply is insignificant.
To supplement current national policies and investigate for alternative project models, this paper conducted the following purposes. First, to confirm the needs of alternative project models, it conducted literature review about current states of urban improvement and urban regeneration projects. Second, it operated in-depth interview on the experts to derive conceptual models in order to integrate urban regeneration and urban improvement. Finally, it applied derived models on the designated project area.
This study has significances that it suggested new integrated models of urban regeneration and urban improvement. Our findings will lead to provide another insight on potential alternatives to solve the issue of urban deterioration.

