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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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도시재생사업 내 이해관계자 간 갈등에 대한 연구-창신숭인 도시재생지역을 중심으로

2021년 08월. 12권 2호(통권29호)


저자명 박사유, 김경민


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 공공주도, 주민참여형, 도시재생사업, 이해관계자 간 갈등, 창신숭인, 공유재

요약 (영)

요약 (영) The urban regeneration project in a public competition supported the majungmul project(as CPR). Study area as ChangshinSungin is a sewing center industrial area with various stakeholders. In the analysis of this study, citizen participation without communication between stakeholders was found to be exclusion from governance and exclusion of residents, and this was reflected in the project results. The cause was that the conflict was difficult to mediate due to the passive attitude of the public-led field support center, and the resident council failed to form a consensus with the citizen (sewing workers), leading to the result of PIMFY. In order for ‘the public-led citizen- participatory urban regeneration project’ to resolve conflicts well, the collaboration of stakeholders according to regional characteristics rather than performance should be the basis.

