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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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대구시 공동주택단지의 보도형전면공지에 관한 연구

2021년 08월. 12권 2호(통권29호)


저자명 장재일


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 보도형전면공지, 공공보행통로, 공동주택단지, 지구단위계획, 공공사용권, 기부채납

요약 (영)

요약 (영) The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual condition of the sidewalk-type frontage spaces of the apartment complex in Daegu and to find ways to improve them. As a result of the study, the followings are confirmed. The plans for the sidewalk-type frontage space are frequently carried out, but the concept is used without distinction from public pedestrian passage, and the public use right is secured passively. However, there is a risk of excessive infringement of property rights, and there is a possibility of conflict with the land owner in relation to public use rights. And it is also expected to be difficult to maintain because it is a private property. Therefore, this study proposes to divide the concept of the sidewalk-type frontage space and the public pedestrian passage, and to apply the regulations that match the characteristics of each. The local government should strengthen the establishment of public use rights in order to maintain its function, and the municipal ordinance should be amend so that compensation for contributed acceptance would be sufficient.

