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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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표준지 공시지가 영향요인 분석 및 적정성 검증 연구

2020년 12월. 11권 3호(통권27호)


저자명 정성욱, 이훈, 이영민, 이주아


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 표준지 공시지가, 공시항목, 주택가격, 결정요인, 헤도닉 가격모형

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study is based on the assumption that the hedonic price model can be applied to the
calculation of the public land price of the standard site. This study is based on the 17,264 sites.
A multiple regression analysis was carried out for each parcel, and a price model was derived
and the appropriate price of each parcel was calculated. As a result, it was confirmed that accessibility
factors have a more significant effect on public announcement price in addition to existing disclosure
items as a result of analyzing influential factor of standard site announcement price.In the process
of hedonic price model analysis as described above, there were a considerable number of parcels
those do not meet the criteria of Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. This is because,
although there are many limitations in estimating the actual price, establishing the fair price system
by applying the hedonic price model that provides objective and quantified data is a way to improve
the standard public land price system. In addition, the introduction and settlement of the hedonic
price model in the official price list is the end of this study which is incomplete in several aspects
such as the number of sites, independent variable, period.

