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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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연합토지관리계획 및 미군기지이전이 도시 인구와 산업에 미친 영향

2020년 12월. 11권 3호(통권27호)


저자명 박상진, 김형규


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 연합토지관리계획, 미군기지이전, 주한미군, 인구, 산업, 이중차분법

요약 (영)

요약 (영) With the conclusion of the 2002 Land Partnership Plan (LPP), the relocation and dissolution
of the 2nd U.S. Infantry Division located in Dongducheon and Uijeongbu were confirmed. The
massive return of U.S. military bases came in 2007 amid concerns over the hollowing-out and
expectations for new growth engines. As the two inflection points have brought great changes
to two cities, it is necessary to closely examine the impact of the two events. The DID, often
used in studies to measure the impact or effectiveness of policies was used. The total population,
total number of employees, retail employees, and manufacturing employees were used as dependent
variables, and the dummy variables required for the DID method were used as independent variables.
To control the economic conditions within the time horizon, the composite economic indicators
and local tax data for each city were used. Through the analysis, each local government failed
to resolve the phenomenon of population hollowing out, but confirmed the growth of manufacturing
industries. Therefore, there is a need to develop policies that promote the development of donor
zones based on manufacturing industries and minimize population hollowing out through links with
surrounding areas.

