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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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공인중개사와 변호사의 부동산거래 협업에 관한 연구

2020년 12월. 11권 3호(통권27호)


저자명 방진원, 백성준


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 부동산변호사, 에스크로우, 종결서비스, 중개사협업

요약 (영)

요약 (영) In this paper, the Canada's real estate transaction system is introduced, which has similar to
that of in the eastern United States. In other words, the real estate agents cooperate with the real
estate lawyers at the closing process. In Korea, the real estate agents normally collaborative with
other experts such as judicial scriveners and accountants at the closing process. Thus, the
collaboration with the real estate lawyers may be easier than introducing a new system, the Escrow.
In Korea, unlike to the Unite State, the real estate can be divided into building and land, and
the rights over the real estate are not as simple as that of in the United State. Therefore, the
cooperation between real estate agents and lawyers helps protect the socially widespread crimes,
i.e. downsizing contracts, document forgeries, double contracts, and so on. Therefore, the collaboration
with the real estate lawyers at the closing process may contribute the real estate transaction system
more safer and increase reliability.

