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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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서울시 생활권계획 도입에 대한 효과 분석

2020년 08월. 11권 2호(통권26호)


저자명 정성국, 남진


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 생활권계획 생활권 계획이론 도시계획체계 도시기본계획 분석 AHP

요약 (영)

요약 (영) The purpose of this study is to recognize institutional effectiveness of newly introduced ‘community plan’
as an intermediate level between master plan and local plans to systematically manage urban space. Literatures
on master plan and community plans including planning theories are reviewed. Community plans of Seoul
are examined in the aspects of institutional processes, their structures and components. Finally, AHP analysis
is conducted for urban planning professionals and the results are understood by in-depth interviewing.
AHP analysis describes institutionalization necessity of community plans, significance of their components
and effectiveness of their implementation by comparing them to each other two at a time. According
to the result of AHP analysis, it is shown that needs of intermediate planning and locally adhering planning
have high significance of 0.248 and 0.229 in terms of institutionalization necessities of community plans.
Public utilities and community center gained the best scores of 0.289 and 0.234 in planning compositions.
Effectiveness of implementation shows high significances for planned spatial management with 0.263,
urban planning committee’s criteria with 0.228 and promotion of public concern with 0.224.
As the results of this study, it is recognized that experts regard community plans as considerable
accomplishments in the views of intermediate, locally adhering and participative plans and required
constituents of urban planning system for the future. Although community participation gains the lowest
significance in the AHP analysis, it is remarkable that participations in community plans are differentiated
from previous planning due to their massive scales and procedures.

