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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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접근성 기반의 유치원 입지 및 수요 분석

2020년 08월. 11권 2호(통권26호)


저자명 이정원, 임미화


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 유치원 접근성 서비스 이용권 네트워크 분석 2SFCA

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study analyzes both locations and demands for preschool in the city of Jeonju, Jeolabuk-do,
Korea through measuring the accessibility to preschools within the city and then addresses the
issue of its spatial disparity. In order to deal with this problem, this paper calculates the index
of its accessability using 2-Step Floating Catchment Area(2SFCA) and network analysis. Then, the
level of accessibility is divided into five categories: Level 1(Highly Satisfactory), Level 2(Satisfactory),
Level 3 (Accessible), Level 4(Accessible but Deficient), and Level 5(Not Accessible). Finally, the
measures and policies appropriate for each level are made to solve inadequate distribution. The
results are as follows. While the ratio of supply to demand is more than 70% in total, demands
within Level 1 and Level 2 category accounts only for 25.2% out of the total demand, showing
that there is serious inadequate distribution and spatial disparity. Therefore, it is recommended
that the areas categorized Level 1 and 2 are appropriate to maintain the current preschool services.
However, the areas in Level 3 should enhance its accessibility and the regions belonging to Level
4 should try to make accessibility improvement as well as capacity expansion of preschools. Lastly,
the areas in Level 5 should provide additional preschools to satisfy its basic demands.

