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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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지구단위 관광목적지의 재생계획기준 선정 및 우선순위 분석: 설악동 집단시설지구를 중심으로

2019년 08월. 10권 2호(통권23호)


저자명 조화현, 유민태, 박태원


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 집단시설지구, 관광단지재생, 계획기준
Collctive Facility District, Tourism Complex Revitalization, Planning Factor

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study was carried out for the purpose of suggesting the types of remodelling models of
collective facility area of national park in Korea. Status data of 41 collective facility areas among
the 13 mountain type of National Park were selected for the scope of the study and each area was
relatively compared and analyzed based on the quantitative data. The results of the study were as
follows : 2 of 41 collective facility areas are needed to delineated to function transfer type, 16
of 41 collective facility areas to convenience supporting type, 17 of 41 collective facility area to
ecological restoration type and 6 of 41 collective facility area to inquiry assistance type. the 22
areas equivalent to 54% showed to have the need of retention which indicates the approval of park
collective facility area was abundant or its function was in the process of deterioration without
corresponding to the change of time. From these consequences, it was expected to provide clean
and natural collective facility area for the rational use without environmental deteriorations of national
park, and bear assistance facilities and convenience facility to neighboring cities and tourist area
for the development and regeneration of the region.

