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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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대중교통 선택행태 및 이용 영향요인 분석: 도시철도 및 버스 간 비교를 중심으로

2019년 04월. 10권 1호(통권22호)


저자명 이훈, 이주아


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 대중교통이용, 도시철도, 버스이용, 다중회귀분석
Usage of Public Transportation, Metro, Bus, Multiple Regression Analysis

요약 (영)

요약 (영) The bus is the public transportation which has to go side by side with the metro, because they
can complement their weakness each other. This study analyzed the factors affecting on the usage
of metro or bus, and suggests some political implications for the future increasing usage of public
transportation. Analysis showed that the usage of public transportation is related to income level,
car owning, distance, transit transfer, parking, etc. These results implies that it is important to
consider the distance between the departure point to the metro/bus station, the discomfort in transit
transfer, and so on, as well as personal or housing characteristics of passengers.

