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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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내국인과 체류외국인의 부동산소비심리 지수 비교분석 연구

2018년 12월. 09권 3호(통권21호)


저자명 박상훈, 이희정


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 부동산시장, 부동산소비, 주택매매시장, 서남권 중국동포 밀집지역, 주택매매 소비심리지수

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study utilized the data of the real estate market consumer psychology index constructed
by KRIHS. Also surveyed Chinese compatriots with the same contents as the questionnaire that
was used when constructing this data. This leads to the consumer sentiment index of the Chinese
real estate market. Based on this analysis, we compare and analyze the consumer sentiment index
of the real estate market of Koreans and Chinese nationals. The purpose of this study is to analyze
the vulnerability of this situation to the utility and usefulness of the consumer psychiatric index,
while knowing the facts about the inflow of Chinese Koreans to the Southwest region of Seoul.
As a result of the study, the specificity of the Chinese densely populated areas in the southwestern
region of Seoul affected the real estate consumption psychology index. Consumer sentiment indexes
between Koreans and Chinese compatriots differed. In addition, the consumer sentiment index felt
by Chinese compatriots was higher than that of Koreans. The number of Chinese compatriots and
Chinese in this region is increasing each year, and the number of Koreans is gradually decreasing.
As the ownership of land and buildings in the area is also increasing year by year, it should be
reflected in the real estate consumption psychology index in the southwestern region of Seoul.

