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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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노후 택지개발지구 관리방안에 관한 연구

2018년 12월. 09권 3호(통권21호)


저자명 홍평화, 김재영, 박재홍


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 1기 신도시, 택지개발지구, 주거환경개선

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This is the study to compare and analyze residents' satisfaction with the deteriorated housing
development districts with residents' satisfaction with the 1st planned new towns by drawing it.
First, variables related to residents' satisfaction with the housing development districts were drawn
by reviewing the precedent studies before conducting the survey. Based on the evaluation variables
drawn, the study tried to grasp residents' satisfaction with the housing development districts by
carrying out the survey targeting the residents in Suji, Haengsin, and Hwajeong adjacent to the
1st planned new towns.
The results of the empirical analyses were as follows: First, for the analytical result of residents'
satisfaction with the deteriorated housing development districts and the 1st planned new towns, general
satisfaction has found that residents' satisfaction with the deteriorated housing development districts
is remarkably lower than the 1st planned new towns. Second, the analytical result of changes in
present and future perception of residents in the deteriorated housing development districts has found
that they recognized cities' value in order of self-sufficiency, habitability, and environmental
performance in the present, while they chose future development plans of cities in order of habitability,
self-sufficiency, and environmental performance. Third, the comparative and analytical resul by
residents' perception of future urban development plans as found that both of residents in the two
housing development districts wanted residence-centered cities.

