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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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The impact of public rental housing projects on neighborhood housing markets in Korea

2018년 08월. 09권 2호(통권20호)


저자명 김천일


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 2093-4750


주제어 Public rental housing, NIMBY, Difference-in-differences, AITS

요약 (영)

요약 (영) After the Korean government initiated the provision of the permanent public rental housing in
1989, there has been a variety of policy measures to provide decent housing for low-income
households. As of 2009, the ratio of the public rental housing to the total housing became 4.8
percent. It is widely agreed that the nation needs to build more public housing and to target a
wider range of the types of households. However, the expansion of such development projects
has resulted in worries and oppositions in the impacted neighborhoods, which have insisted that
such developments bring about negative impacts on the adjacent neighborhoods. This study explores
the impact of recently developed public rental housing (“Kukmin” rental housing) on the nearby
housing markets. The paper adopts a quasi-experimental design to deal with the possible endogeneity
for the construction of public rental housing by adopting an extended treatment to the canonical
difference-in-difference method. This research finds that the public housing projects increase the
value of surrounding properties.

