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학회지 「도시부동산연구」

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서울시 주택 재건축사업에 있어서 토지가격 실태조사 평가의 한계

2018년 04월. 09권 1호(통권19호)


저자명 손종욱, 양승우


발행사 한국도시부동산학회


ISSN 0293-4750


주제어 재건축사업, 토지가격 실태조사, 추산액, 감정평가액
Residential Redevelopment Project, Land Price Survey of Project District, Approximate Land
Price Assessment, Public Land Appraisal

요약 (영)

요약 (영) This study aims to compare between approximating land price and public appraisal price, and
to analyze the differences between them. The results are as followings: First, the accuracy of
approximating land price did not reach 60%, which means the survey is operated negatively on
the projects. Second, the unaccuracy derived from approximate land price assessment is not based
on any real survey longer. Third, the approximate land price assessment should not depend on
the building conditions. For examples, lands which have new building were evaluated high, and
lands which have old buildings were estimated low. It indicates that approximate land price
assessment is not reliable. So the approximate land price assessment should be done under the
least real survey and consider the land use.

